
Sunday Morning

Sunday School at 9:45am

Worship at 11am

We offer a traditional style of worship with traditional and contemporary music during the service on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. We also stream our Sunday service on FaceBook Live. Worship services are led by Rev. Tina Collins, our Minister of Music and on occasion, with the assistance of our Refuge Worship leader Jacob Farler.  You will be blessed by an inviting atmosphere, beautiful music, and biblically based teaching.

We invite you to “come as you are” without feeling out of place in our service. We would love to have you visit our church on Sunday mornings.

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A symbolic act whereby Christians, through the partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine commemorate the life, death, resurrection and return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here at Ball Camp Baptist Church we observe an open Communion to all believers, regardless of their membership status or denomination. We stand as followers of Christ and make our way to the altar where our Senior Pastor, ordained staff members and the deacons will offer you the bread and the cup.

You will approach the plate, receive the bread and hear these words, “The body of Christ, broken for you.” You will then take the cup and hear these words, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” After you are served you may return to your seat. Our Communion is gluten free.

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February 2nd

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January 26th

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January 19th

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